Hedge fund manager Gambhir consolidates seven-year track record as RWC Partners moves forward, L/S equity fund +11% YTD

Opalesque Industry Update – Manager of the Europe long short funds at RWC Partners, Ajay Gambhir, has passed through his three year track record at the firm. Gambhir launched his RWC Samsara Fund just as the storm clouds were gathering in September 2007.

Since then equities have lost over 25% whilst Gambhir’s long/short strategy has made over 17%.
From 2003-2007 Gambhir launched and managed the JPMorgan Europe Dynamic Long Short fund which, during his tenure, generated annualised returns of over 24% with a volatility of just over 7%. The fund was also awarded the EuroHedge winner for best European Fund in 2006.

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