Mutual Fund That Acts Like a Hedge Fund Launched by Frost Advisors

New York ( – Texas-based Frost Investment Advisors has launched the Frost Diversified Strategies Fund (FDSFX), providing investors access to alternative investment management strategies previously available to hedge fund and private equity fund investors.

“The Frost Diversified Strategies Fund is one of the first mutual funds to give individual investors access to a vehicle that acts similarly to a hedge fund or private equity fund,” said Tom Stringfellow, CFA and president of Frost Investment Advisors.

“The fund will incorporate many aspects of our Optimum asset allocation strategies along with investments in alternative assets, which should help reduce the downside risk of large market drawdowns, while providing potential upside opportunities.” Sringfellow said.

David Telling will serve as Lead Manager of FDSFX with co-managers Stringfellow, Brad Thompson, CFA and Jeffery Elswick.

The fund seeks to appreciate in an up market and outperform a down market to preserve assets. The prospectus calls for the FDSFX allocation to include 60 percent investment in traditional investment assets, including stocks, bonds, cash and listed options. The hedge replication module will comprise 30 to 40 percent of the portfolio, using hedge beta strategies and hedge fund replication of indices, supported by publicly available products.

Editing by Alex Akesson
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